Things to Know About Australian Seafreight Industry

Throughout the world, the majority of the significant seafreight is associated with the export of bulk minerals and ores and import of innumerable commodities in the state. Despite the massive volumes being transported through the different parts of Australia, the country has lots of opportunities for growth because of the new port developments. A report by the researchers has shown that Australia’s export through the sea was $227.5 billion, in the year 2014-2015. And, there was around 5.9% decline as compared to the average annual trend growth of 2.5% in the year 2013-2014. When measured in tonne-kilometer, the seafreight operation of loaded sea cargo was approx 105.2 billion tonne-kilometers as compared to 105.4 billion tonne-kilometers one year back and 116.2 billion tonne-kilometers five years ago. And, the reason traced for this was the coastal trading licenses that were compulsory for all interstate sea shipping. Transitional general licenses and general licenses ac...